Australian government urged to adopt global cyber security standards for cloud

Published January 29, 2021
Author: Ash Khan

Australian government urged to adopt global cyber security standards for cloud

Published January 29, 2021
Author: Ash Khan

New South Wales government has asked all local, federal and state governments to adopt internationally recognized cyber security standards for Cloud Services. 

The government has also advised all said governments to evaluate proposals or tender bids with careful consideration from companies that adopt cyber security. 

And also favorably evaluate proposals of those companies that are adopting other risk standards for telecommunications and the internet of things (IoT).  

The NSW cyber security made this recommendation along with several other suggestions mentioned in 16-page report issued by them. 

The recommendations for standards development and implementation have been separated into seven key areas: cloud, defence, education, energy, financial services, health and telco and IoT. 

The report particularly includes all relevant points related to cyber security. In the cloud area, the report urges governments to “adopt and leverage recognized ISO and/or IEC standards as baseline requirements for information security.

The report said that standards could be placed within “any regulatory frameworks or procurement models proposed in relation to cyber security”. 

The report also recommends that all businesses and governments should develop material that “clearly communicates any business benefits around that adoption of standards”. 

The report also points that international standards should be followed in the event that a principles-based approach is adopted. 

The report also highlights the standards around cyber security, including IoT security specifically, and risk management. 

All businesses should definitely follow the recommendations and incase looking for secured web hosting services then, IT Consultants are always available to provide best web hosting that is not only secure but fast as well. 

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